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Table of contents
  1. /boot missing
  2. Generating your PGP key
  3. Adding your PGP key
  4. Configuring the TPM
    1. tpmtotp
    2. TPM Disk encryption keys

/boot missing

Boot missing

If starting with a blank hard drive, the Heads setup will display an error saying /boot cannot be found. Unless there is an nonencrypted boot partition already configured on the drive, select “No”. You can either use fdisk in the recovery shell or using the partition management option during the OS installation.

Generating your PGP key

GPG missing

Select “Add a GPG key to the running BIOS” to enter the GPG Management menu. If you’re using a new USB security dongle, you’ll need to generate your key files. If you already have the public key stubs for your USB security dongle, please proceed to Adding your PGP key.

GPG Management menu

Insert your USB security dongle and USB drive into the device, then chose “Generate GPG keys manually on a USB security token”.

When at the GPG prompt, go into “Admin” mode and generate a new key inside the USB security dongle:


This will prompt you for the admin pin (12345678 by default for Yubikey) and then the existing pin (123456 default for Yubikey). Follow the other prompts and eventually you should have a key saved onto the USB drive.

When complete, you will be returned to menu.

There is some more info in the GPG guide.

Adding your PGP key

Heads uses your own GPG key to sign updates and as a result it needs the key stored in the ROM image before flashing the full Heads ROM.

Ensure your USB security dongle and the USB drive with your key are still inserted. Select “Add a GPG key to the running BIOS” to enter the GPG Management menu, then “Add a GPG key to the running BIOS + reflash”. Follow the steps and your GPG key will be added to the Heads rom.

Once flashrom is complete, reboot and now you should now be back in the Heads runtime. It should display a message that is is unable to unseal TOTP.

Because the reproducible flash has an empty MRC cache, you need to reboot one more time so that the PCR values as they would be going forward.

Configuring the TPM

TOTP/HOTP missing

There aren’t very many good details on how to setup TPMs, so this section could use some work.



Once you own the TPM, a QR code will generated that you can scan with your google authenticator or FreeOTP+ application and use to validate that the boot block, rom stage and Linux payload are un-altered.

TPMTOTP output

On the next boot, the current TOTP will be computed and you can compare this one-time-password against the value that your phone generates.

This does not eliminate all firmware attacks (such as evil maid ones that replace the SPI flash chip), but when combined with the WP# pin and BP bits should eliminate a software only attack.

TPM Disk encryption keys

The keys are currently derived only from the user passphrase, which is expanded via the LUKS expansion algorithm to increase the time to brute force it. For extra protection it is possible to store the keys in the TPM so that they will only be released if the PCRs match.

If you want to use the TPM to seal a secret used to unlock your LUKS volumes:

  1. Enter recovery mode
  2. Ensure that your the boot devices is mounted: mount -o ro /dev/sda1 /boot or whatever is appropriate
  3. Insert your USB security dongle
  4. Run kexec-save-key -p /boot/ ... with the followed by options appropriate to your OS. The key will be installed in all devices in the LVM volume group as well as any other devices specified after the -l option.

Examples for the kexec-save-key parameters:

Installation Type Command
Previous Heads installation kexec-save-key -p /boot/ -l qubes_dom0
Default Qubes / Default Fedora 25 kexec-save-key -p /boot/ /dev/sda2
Default Ubuntu 16.04 / Debian 9 (*) kexec-save-key -p /boot/ /dev/sda5

Reboot and you will be prompted for your boot password when that device is used to boot in the future.

NOTE: should the new LUKS headers be measured and the key re-sealed with those parameters? This is what the Qubes AEM setup uses and is probably a good idea (although we’ve already attested to the state of the firmware).

This is where things get messy right now. The key file can not persist on disk anywhere, since it would allow an adversary to decrypt the drive. Instead it is necessary to unseal/decrypt the key from the TPM and then bundle the key file into a RAM copy of Qubes’ dom0 initrd on each boot. The initramfs format allows concatenated cpio files, so it is easy for the Heads firmware to inject files into the Qubes startup script.